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With an expert,

you are in good hands

Dr. Jean-Paul Brutus

Dr.Jean-Paul Brutus is a hand and wrist surgeon. His background includes training in plastic surgery and a fellowship in upper limb orthopaedics. His practice is exclusively dedicated to treating hand conditions. It’s an area he feels particularly passionate about. He is the cofounder of Exception MD, a private medical clinic specialized in treating the upper and lower extremities.

Dr Brutus évaluant la mobilité de la main d’une patiente

Dr. Brutus is a pioneer in non-invasive surgery.

A foremost
hand expert

Dr. Brutus uses the most state-of-the-art and least invasive techniques. His clinical practice and research have helped pioneer endoscopic hand surgery in Canada. He has developed and popularized a variety of minimally invasive surgical techniques, including revolutionary procedures used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, lacertus syndrome, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s contracture, and rhizarthrosis.


Dr.Brutus is active in the philanthropic community and works particularly closely with the homeless and mental health organizations. He has launched multiple initiatives, including his book Helping Hands and an annual winter clothing drive at Exception MD. He also helps recruit teams of volunteers every year for the Welcome Hall Mission in Montreal. He has been invited to speak on numerous occasions about philanthropy in medicine.


Say goodbye to pain today

Why choose
Dr. Brutus?

  • Passionate expert specializing in minimally invasive surgical techniques for more than 20 years.
  • Among the top surgeons in the world and the only surgeon in Canada offering endoscopic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger.
  • Over 15,000 procedures completed to date with a success and patient satisfaction rate of more than 98%.
  • Uses state-of-the-art techniques that completely reverse most patients’ conditions mere hours after their procedures.
  • The only specialized hand surgeon operating a private practice in Canada that can operate on patients within days—without an intermediary or referral.
  • A compassionate and hands-on approach embodied through a philosophy of being responsive, attentive, and respectful.
  • An independently owned, modern, and cutting-edge clinic.
  • An independently owned, modern, and cutting-edge clinic.
  • Excellent ratings on RateMDs and Google Reviews.
  • Recognized expertise, quoted frequently in the media, and frequent speaking engagements with multiple associations.