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Make the
right choice

You might have
Dupuytren’s contracture

How long should you wait before scheduling a consultation and getting treatment? When it’s time to choose your doctor, it pays to be informed. Your doctor’s educational and professional background is important, but so are their medical specialities, which treatments they use, and how long you have to wait before your procedure.

Start protecting your hands and schedule a consultation with a specialist today.

Don’t ignore
your symptoms

Your hands are essential to everything you do. If you’ve noticed unusual symptoms or pain or if you have trouble doing certain everyday tasks, don’t wait. They could be signs of a condition that might cause permanent damage and seriously affect your quality of life if left untreated. Make an appointment today.

How to choose
your surgeon

Trust the expertise of a hand specialist

Hands are sophisticated yet delicate instruments. They have 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles, and a great many tendons, nerves, and ligaments. Doctors need to have a solid understanding of hand anatomy and master specific surgical techniques to treat them effectively.

In Canada, hand surgery is performed by plastic or orthopaedic surgeons who have completed a sub-specialization. For most of these surgeons, hands are a part of a much broader practice that might include cosmetic surgery or other musculoskeletal disorders. The best option is to go with a qualified surgeon who only treats hands. Here are just a few things to consider when looking for your surgeon.

  • Research your surgeon’s practice. It is dedicated exclusively to treating hands?
  • How much experience do they have treating hands? How many successful operations have they completed?
  • What surgical methods do they use? Are they up to date with all of the latest breakthroughs in the field? Do they use minimally invasive techniques?
  • How long will it take to get an appointment for a consultation and surgery?

Trust your instincts. Go with a surgeon you trust and who sets you completely at ease. Your surgeon should take the time to listen, come up with a detailed treatment plan, and answer all your questions with empathy and respect. When it comes to your hands—and your health—you deserve compassionate, expert care.


Say goodbye to pain today

Take the time to get
the information you need

These days, the internet is overflowing with medical information. Find out the cause of your symptoms and take the time to learn about the different treatment options available. Watch surgery videos if they don’t make you uncomfortable. Make sure you’re reading trustworthy and credible information from reputable medical websites.

Ask your family doctor or friends for a recommendation and read patient testimonials on ratings websites like Ratemds or Google Reviews.

Keep in mind, however, that the internet is a great tool for research—but not for diagnosis. Only a qualified professional who has evaluated you can confirm your diagnosis and create an appropriate treatment plan.

Get ready for
your consultation

Your consultation is important. You want your surgeon to answer your questions, provide an accurate diagnosis, and suggest the best treatment plan. Time is valuable, both for you and your specialist. It’s worth taking the time to prepare for your visit.

  • Write down a short history of your symptoms. When did they start? Have you noticed that your condition has changed or progressed?
  • Make a list of all your questions. It’s normal to feel a little nervous during your consultation, which might make it easy to forget a few important details.
  • Put together the results of any relevant tests or examinations and bring them with you.
  • Make sure your doctor explains your various treatment options, what tests you’ll need to do, how long your recovery will take, and how much your treatment will cost. If needed, ask for more details.
  • Take notes or bring someone with you if you’re worried about remembering everything. Dupuytren’s contracture is most common in people age 50 and older.

Money matters

How much will your procedure cost? Will you have to take time off work? Does your care include post-operative follow-ups? Will you have to do physio? You deserve clear and detailed answers to all your questions.

Keep in mind that if you go with a surgeon in private practice, your care won’t be covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Some employers and private insurance policies might reimburse some of the cost. Less invasive methods, like percutaneous needle aponevrotomies, significantly reduce down time and therefore result in less income lost from having to stay home from work.



When is it time to speak with a surgeon?

It’s never too early to consult a hand specialist. If your symptoms are painful or keep you from going about your daily life, if the deformity in your fingers worsens, or if your discomfort persists despite trying conservative treatments, schedule a consultation today.

Do I have to go to a specialized hand surgeon?

Hands are anatomically complex, and doctors need in-depth medical and surgical expertise to treat them. We recommend going to an experienced surgeon who operates exclusively on hands and wrists.

How can I find a surgeon?

Ask your doctor for a recommendation, conduct research online, and read patient testimonials. Make sure you ask the specialists you find about their experience and practices.

Practical and comprehensive
medical guide

Everything you need to know to identify and treat Dupuytren's contracture. Written in clear and simple language by hand surgeon Dr. Jean-Paul Brutus, this e-guide identifies the causes, symptoms, and different ways to treat Dupuytren's contracture and offers recommendations on how to ease your symptoms at home.